Your online store for luxury leather wholesale handbags made in Italy by Moda Endrizzi.
Florence, Italy is the epicenter of luxury leather products. Thousands of tourists flock to Italy every year looking for the finest leather handbags and other handmade leather fashion products. Following the tradtions of San Lorenzeo Market, the the heart of Florence, Tuscany, (perhaps the most famous tourist market in Italy) we supply retailers with our curated collection of Endrizzi Designer Purses which are handmade in Italy.
Quality You Can Feel
The elegance of the finishes, such as Zamak alloy metals, and the attention to detail of our genuine leather handbags will be immediately visible on your first purchase. The first choice materials and craftsmanship make each of our tote bags, hobo bags, or crossbody bags a product of excellence. Endrizzi combines design and quality at a very affordable price. Beautiful, supple, and durable, our leather bags will wear like a fine glove and be a loved piece the collection of your handbag clients.
How Luxury Handbags Are Made
Handbags and purses have been coveted accessories in female fashion for generations. One question that comes up all the time is "how is my Llxury purse or handbag made?" If it's made in Florence, Italy it follows generations of design standards. You can learn more about how our handbags (and luxury handbags in general) are made at our article "How Designer Handbags Are Made".
How the Endrizzo 'Ragazza' Hobo Bag is Made
Watch the video below to see the process of our hobo bags being made. Handmade fine leather Italian goods, produced in Florence Italy.
View Endrizzi Wholesale Handbag Catalog
Are you looking for high-quality leather handbags to feature in your online store or boutique? Partner with Endrizzi handbags to carry our line of fine leather products in your boutique or department store. You may contact us directly for wholesale orders.
Bulk Orders
If you own a chain of stores or a larger department store and wish to order Endrizzi Handbags in bulk, please reach out to us with your quantities and shipping questions at
Custom Handbag Orders
If you'd like Moda Endrizzi to design a handbag exclusively for you under our brand name, we are happy to do that. Minimum runs will apply and other fees associated with custom hardware, CAD renderings and logo templates will also apply. You can have an entirely unique Endrizzi handbag for your store.